Friday, 22 July 2016

Psychic Abilities

Psychic Abilities, Types & Symptoms

What is Psychic Power/Abilities?

Every person has some degree of intuition and psychic powers. Intuition is an inner knowing or inner guidance system that can be communicated and expressed through a variety of psychic powers. Some people may be strongly gifted with one of these psychic powers, while others may have many psychic powers available to them. Some people only listen to their intuition on occasion, while others choose to fully develop their psychic powers in order to become professional psychics. When it comes to using psychic powers professionally, there are many areas of specialty or expertise.
Psychic Power is available to everyone who wants to work with it. The focus of psychic power is the development of one or more of the following senses: sight (clairvoyance), hearing (clairaudience) or touch (clairsentience). Through the development of our senses we strengthen our connection with the universal energy that is Spirit, and to the wisdom that Spirit brings to us. We experience psychic power all the time, without realizing it. We may call it intuition – knowledge that comes to us unbidden, or we may call it that “Aha!” moment. We may just call it a “gut feeling”. It is an energy that surrounds us all the time, and is easily tapped into.

Working with our psychic power opens up our minds, our hearts, and our lives. It connects us with our creative nature, and with the power of imagination. It allows us to work directly with Spirit to find and follow our path. By enhancing our senses, we reach out to a world beyond our physical world, to the world of spirit. We learn to see and interpret things from a broader perspective.

We learn to allow solutions to our problems to come to us, rather than having to work so hard to run after them and “make” them happen. When we open up the world of our senses, we leave behind the world of logic – which may have been acting to constrict us in the first place!

What Is Psychic Power?

Psychic power is the ability to know something without any logical connection or thought process. It can be a vibration that we feel; it can be a voice that we hear in our head; it can be an image that comes to us unbidden. It can come through our senses of touch, sight, or hearing, or it can come from what we call our "Sixth Sense," through our brow chakra. This is what some people term extra-sensory perception (ESP).

Why do we want to pay attention to the messages that come to us (whether they are auditory or visual images)? Because when we do this we align ourselves with our inner self, as well as with the larger energy of Spirit. We can speak with our Spirit Guides, with Angels and Archangels, we can receive information from them unbidden, or we can ask them questions and receive answers.

We can release the negativity from our life, and we can access our creativity and our imagination. We can take down the barriers that we have constructed through the use of logic, and see a much bigger picture of life. We can heal ourselves. Everyone and everything in the universe is connected. Every thought that we have, every action that we take, affects our world in more ways than we know. Using our psychic power allows us to feel empowered, to make informed decisions, and to take informed actions.

Pay attention to your dreams; pay attention to the images that come to you during waking hours; pay attention to your feelings. These messages are being given to you for a reason – use them wisely. Develop them, respect them, honor them, and your life will function at a level that you have never before experienced!

Types of Psychic Abilities

Generalized Descriptive Terms

Clairaudient – ability to hear beyond the physical hearing; such as voices, music and sounds.

Clairsentient – ability to feel or sense beyond the physical; such as gaining information through the five physical senses (heightened), intuition or ‘gut feelings’.

Clairvoyance – ability to see beyond the physical sight; could be in the form of telepathy, precognition. Can receive information in the form of symbols; mind pictures; overlays (example: seeing past and present at same time).

Psychic – a generalized, and often over-used, term; can refer to basically any psychic abilities.

 Some of the More Common Psychic Abilities

Channeling – ability to communicate with non-physical energies, such as ‘masters’, angels, guides and other world beings.

Empath – ability to sense and/or feel others emotions, or residual emotions. For those empaths who are untrained, the emotions can feel like their own ad can be confusing. Public places and/or large crowds can be overwhelming.

The number of empaths on planet Earth are on the rise, and are usually coupled with one or more other abilities.

Far-See – ability to see far into the possible future (or past). This is closely related to the Probability ability.

Both abilities rely on the ability to foresee the most likely outcome based on the current energy patterns.

Far-See example: While driving, one can catch glimpses of the houses, buildings, landscape, etc. in the far future (or distant past).

Probability example: knowing what is going to happen shortly, based on the current energy patterns (closely related to Precognitive).

Healer – a very broad category. Healings can come in as many ways as the healers, themselves, develop. A word of caution to new healers: please never take others ailments into your own body.

Often beginner healers may start to see patterns during daily interactions. Friends and acquaintances may appear to feel better, cheerier, more up-beat or energetic when around you.

Some healers pray to heal. There are also: laying on of hands; visualization; manipulation of energy; auric healing (working on re-balancing the aura); chakra healers (re-balancing the seven primary physical energy vortices on the human body); Reiki, and much more.

Medium – ability to communicate with those who have crossed over (deceased). It can be getting messages from a deceased loved one or strangers.

Multi-talented Sensitive (my term) – one who has more than one working ability. A lot of people are now in the category, and it is growing.

Precognitive – ability to know things/events, etc. beforehand.

Premonition – ability to sense or feel an upcoming event – usually a ‘gut feeling’ about something. (Closely related to Precognitive.)

Psychometry – ability to touch an object, item or person and receive information. This information can be received in mind pictures (like still photos or short snippets of moving film); or sudden a knowing of information.

Telepathy – the ability to hear others thoughts, ideas, etc. (receiver) and/or send thoughts, ideas, etc. to others (sender). The ability to be both a sender and receiver is growing.

Tool Readers – ability to use a tool to provide a focus to access information about another. Examples can be (but not limited to): tarot cards, other card types, tea leaves, crystal ball, stones, minerals, ‘doodles’, etc.

10 Signs of Psychic Awakening

1. Tingling Sensation or Pressure
You may begin to develop this in the “third eye” area (between the eyebrows), at the crown of the head, or in your chakras.  This happens for two reasons:

  • you are picking up energetic signals
  • your chakras are opening up

In the beginning stages of development, this sensation can be very strong.

2. Connection with Spirit
You might find that you are having a stronger connection to the spirit world.  In other words, it may become easier for you to sense the presence of Spirit:  Your spirit guides, angels, and your own loved ones in heaven.

You may also begin to feel the presence of other people’s loved ones around.  For many folks, mediumship is a natural progression that follows psychic awakening. (And it’s perfectly fine for your mediumship to develop at the same time as your intuition.

3. Desire to be Away from Negativity
You may also find that you are picking up on the emotions and feeling of others quite easily.  This is known as being empathic, or an empath.

Because of your sensitivity, you might feel drained being around people who are very negative or dramatic.  Honor what you are feeling, and stay away from the drama whenever possible.

4. Desire to Eat Healthier Foods
Suddenly craving a salad instead of potato chips?  Here’s why:

When you are doing intuitive work, you vibrate at a higher frequency (remember, we are all vibrational beings).  So, without realizing it, you could be instinctively reaching for “higher vibrational” foods, such as fruits, vegetables, etc.

These foods help keep you from being weighed down and keep your vibration light.  Some people even choose to adopt a psychic diet.

5. Desire to Learn and Be More Spiritual
Most everyone who experiences a psychic awakening has an appetite to learn.  As we open up, we are shedding our old skins and subconsciously remembering the luminance of our soul.  To that end, it’s common to want to read everything we can get our hands on, learn as much as possible, and walk a more spiritual path.

6. Frequent or Vivid Dreams
Vivid dreaming, or dreaming more often, is another common symptom of psychic awakening.  There are two reasons for this:

  • When you are sleeping, there is no resistance.  In other words, your mind is not getting in the way of what you are receiving intuitively.  So, during the day you might get a feeling about something and say to yourself, “Hmm, should I trust my gut feeling, or is this just my logical mind?”  In the sleep state, that resistance is not present.  And don’t worry, this does not necessarily mean that your dreams are premonitions.
  • As you open up, it becomes much easier to access other levels of consciousness, such as the dream state.  It’s helpful (and fun!) to start keeping a dream journal near your bed.
7. Heightened Sensitivity of Your Physical Senses

If you find that your hearing is heightened, you are seeing twinkles of light, or “something” out of the corner of your eye… Congratulations!  It means that your psychic senses, or “clairs,” are opening up and getting stronger.   This is a normal part of the awakening process.

8. Intuitive “Hits”
Having a sense that something is going to happen or receiving a third eye vision is another sign.  For some, this can be very exciting; for others, it’s very frightening.  If you are in the latter category:
  • Set the intention that you will not receive any scary messages or visions.
  • Practice using intuitive guidance on yourself as much as possible.  This will allow you to become familiar with it; and in time, it will feel natural and comfortable.  Tip:  You’ll also learn to control your gifts eventually – your psychic ability does not need to be turned “on” at all times.
9. Headaches
The headaches are terrible, aren’t they?  Unfortunately, they are pretty common.  They are caused by the influx of energy.

One thing you can do to try to combat this pesky problem is to soak your feet in warm water.  This will help bring the energy down to your feet, and away from your head.  Feel free to add Epsom salts or essential oils to the water.  You may also want to check with a medical doctor to make sure there is no underlying cause for your headache.

10. Losing Friends – Making New Ones
The path of psychic awakening is exciting!  Your soul will grow tremendously during this time.  You may find that you are outgrowing some friends, and things that were once important to you no longer are.  It’s okay; the Universe will put new people in your path.  Continue to trust.

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