Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Clairsentience (clear-feeling)


Clairsentience, is what is more commonly referred to, as an empath. It refers to form of extra sensory perception where a person acquires psychic knowledge primarily by means of emphatic feelings and emotions. In other words you can “feel” what is going on with another person emotionally.
This can absolutely be one of the most confusing of the psychic senses. 

You are experiencing physical symptoms of an empath. Empaths absorb energy and emotions from the people, places and things around them. Some empaths also pick up energies from the Earth itself, and earthquake headaches and illness is not uncommon. I would call this "geosentience", which is clairsentience for earth energies.

Essentially, people with empathic ability are often healers, and experiencing pain and discomfort around certain people or places can be signs of an empath. Empaths tend to absorb negative energy, which makes them feel bad or unwell, but there are other ways to work with this energy.

Clairsentience or empathic ability really is a psychic gift, and there is a good purpose for it. The reason that people with empathic ability feel other people's pain is so they can help them to heal it. Many people are not aware that they have buried emotions, and that this can be the underlying cause for many painful experiences in their life. Empaths can feel the root cause of an issue, and can thereby help a person to heal at the core.

It is normal and natural for people with empathic ability to absorb other people's emotions and energies, but this is not the best way to work with this gift - instead of taking energy in, you can redirect it. Empaths have the ability to channel divine healing energy, and you can direct this energy toward people, places and things that are in pain. You can imagine light from above going directly into those people or places that need it. You could also visualize the divine light coming into you from above you, coming into your heart to be guided by your intention, then visualize the light going into your hands as healing light, and direct it toward those people or places that need it. Even if you do not know who needs healing, you can still send out balls of light to discharge built-up energy, and call upon the Universe to direct it to whoever or wherever it is most needed. This will help others feel better, and will also help you feel better.

As a "geosentient" empath, you are picking up the pain of the Earth. Rather than taking on that pain, you can shift the polarity of energy so that you are not like a vacuum cleaner, but more like an acupuncture needle for the Earth itself. Whenever you feel the pain or pressure building up inside you, realize that the Earth needs to release energy, and that you are acting as a release valve for the buildup of pressure. In these times, imagine that divine light is pouring into you from your Source above you, and that you are a pillar of light, sending light directly into the Earth. You can imagine many "acupuncture needles" of light (perhaps even crystals) going into the Earth to relieve her pain and pressure. You can also direct the light with your intention to dissipate storms and release some of the buildup of atmospheric and barometric pressure. Try to have fun with this instead of being afraid of it or burdened by it - try to lighten up for your sake and the Earth's.

The Earth does indeed have a lot going on right now, and this is becoming more intense in the times to come. There is also a great deal of emotional turmoil going on with humanity as a whole, and these intense emotions also affect the Earth and weather patterns. What makes this even worse is that many people tend to deny, ignore, or reject their emotions, particularly negative emotions, and these denied emotions build up in the collective unconscious, influencing wars, politics, and Earth changes, among other things.  Some people with empathic ability can feel the energies and emotions in the collective consciousness, and this can be extremely overwhelming and debilitating. This is why you experience an onslaught of anger and depression that are not your own. In these times, try to hold love and peace in your heart, and send that love and peace out to humanity as a whole.

11 Signs You Can Sense Spirit

  1. You often walk in a room and feel sensations of heaviness
  2. You get goosebumps and body tingles out of nowhere
  3. You've noticed sudden heat or coolness temperature changes in a room with no explanation
  4. You can sense when two people are fighting or angry with each other
  5. You feel sudden anxiety, adrenaline or bursts of energy
  6. You frequently feel tingly sensations or pressure on your around the top of your head
  7. You experience sudden, unexplained changes in mood, emotion or feelings of wellbeing
  8. You’ve felt someone walk behind you, such as a breeze, even when you were alone
  9. You’ve felt the presence of a person or animal with you when you were alone
  10. You often feel nervous or unsettled, such as being in a crowded or small room, even when you aren't
  11. You’ve experienced the sensation of being touched or brushed with no explanation

Relaxation Increases Your Clairsentience

To receive clairsentient Divine guidance, begin by relaxing. Studies find that a person's physical comfort level affects their psychic abilities. Comfortable room temperatures, seating conditions, and clothing all increase the number of verifiable psychic experiences. Since clairsentients are especially tuned in to sensory information, a comfortable setting increases your awareness and understanding of your true Divine guidance. I have found that having fragrant flowers, such as stargazers and tuberoses, in the room also enhances my clairsentience.

1.Find a comfortable and quiet place to sir during the exercise.

2. Take a few deep breaths and move your shoulders and neck around a bit to loosen any tight muscles. Adjust your seating position so you are completely at ease. The goal is for you to be so comfortable that your mind is not aware of your body, as any discomfort would distract your attention from Divine guidance.

3. Mentally call on the angels to surround you. Think,   "Angels, please surround me now." You might visualize the angels circling you and the room.

4. Notice any feelings that follow: skin tingles, air pressure or temperature changes, warmth in your chest.

5. Think the words   "Love, love, love," and sink into the feeling of being hugged by a giant cloud of unconditional love. Allow yourself to feel safe, protected, and loved.

6. In this state of sure protection and love, ask God and the angels a question. The topic of your question doesn't matter; they answer every question. The only criterion is that your question must be something about which you honestly desire Divine guidance. Go to the heart of your question, and mentally ask for answers and direction.

7. Be certain to keep breathing. To breathe or inspire means taking in spirit, or inspiration. If you hold your breath or have shallow breaths, you block Divine communication.

8. As you breathe deeply, notice any feelings in your body. Did you feel a tightening anywhere? If so, put your focus on that area, and mentally ask it, "What are you trying to tell me?" Be open to receiving an honest answer, because it will reply. You will only understand the answer, though, if your mind is open to receiving the truth. Then, have a mental conversation with that part of your body that tightened or tingled after you requested Divine guidance.

9. Also notice the emotions that fluttered in answer to your question. Did you receive joy? Feel its intended meaning, which is God's go-ahead to improve your life. Did you feel a heaviness, a coldness, or dread? These are warnings that you are headed off your path.

Heightening Your Awareness of Physical Feelings

Even when we're consciously unaware of receiving Divine guidance, our bodies often acknowledge it with subtle muscular changes, such as tightening in the stomach, fluttering heart, or perspiring palms. After becoming sensitized to physical feelings, you are more apt to notice clairsentient guidance.

Your awareness of clairsentient guidance will also increase if you practice increasing your sensitivity to physical feelings. You can try this right now:

1. Become aware of your feet. Focus on how they feel. Are your feet comfortable? What is immediately next to the skin on your feet? Socks, shoes, the floor? How does that feel against your feet?

2. Concentrate on your jaw, tongue, and mouth. Notice whether your mouth is open or shut. Are any muscles in your jaw tense? How about the other facial muscles?

3. Notice any tension around your head, shoulders, arms, hands, back, buttocks, legs, arms, and feet. Think about tense rods of steel turning into limp pieces of rope. Did you feel your muscles relax with this thought?

4. Notice how your clothing feels against your skin. What is comfortable and what feels uncomfortable about your attire?

5. How comfortable is the surface on which you are sitting, standing, or reclining?

6. Pick up any soft-edged object near you, such as a cup, napkin, pillow; or piece of clothing. Close your eyes and slowly run the object across the skin of your hands, your arms, and the inside of your wrist. Focus your attention on the sensations. Try rubbing the object on one area of your arm, and compare the sensation to the feeling when you tap the object on your arm. 

7. Experiment with different objects and different pressures and motions. The objective of this exercise is to increase your awareness of bodily feelings. The more you practice increasing your sensitivity and awareness, the easier you'll find it is to follow your clairsentient Divine guidance.

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