Saturday, 30 July 2016

Clairolfaction/Clairalience (Psychic Sense of Smelling)

The Psychic Sense of Clairolfactance

Clairalience is the psychic sense of smelling, (also known as clairescence). A person with this form of extra-sensory perception is able to smell energy or gain psychic knowledge through the physical sense of smell. Most of the time, they are the only person in a group/space who is able to smell the etheric fragrance.

The gift of clairolfaction or clairolfactance can be useful for discerning spirits. One may "smell a skunk" so to speak or sense an unpleasant odor coming from a person who has detrimental energy in their field or sickness in their body. But, it is not just the foul odor of contamination that can be sensed by those who have this ability. Some people have reported smelling roses, lilacs, or other heavenly fragrances associated with angels when a loved one passes. My husband and I are both able to smell cigarette smoke when the spirit of a particular "deceased" loved one visits our home.

Sometimes this ability is referred to as claireolfactory or claireolfactant because it is believed that the olfactory nerve is involved in perceiving these astral smells.

Distinctive smells have long been associated with a variety of paranormal and psychic phenomena. Many mediums specifically rely on their ability to ‘smell spirit’ in order to validate loved ones who have crossed over, or to identify the presence of spiritual entities.

Some psychics also use smell to gain insight into events of the past, present and future. This unusual ability is known as the extra-sensory ability or psychic gift of clairolfaction. Other interchangeable terms used to identify this ‘clair sense’ is clairosmesis, clairalience, clairessence and clairscent. They all refer to the same psychic ability, namely ‘clear smelling’.

Clairolfaction is a form of extra-sensory perception (ESP) that enables the gifted person to receive psychic or paranormal information by means of ‘psychic smelling’. It is, however, important to note that a person with this ability does not smell any real odors or fragrances.

Psychics with this extra-sensory gift are able to ‘smell’ beyond the normal range of the smelling sense. There is no physical source for such a smell, and other people in the room would usually not smell anything, unless they are also gifted.

Most psychics and mediums have a combination of extra-sensory abilities which, apart from the sense of olfaction or smell, may include clairvoyance (vision or seeing), clairsentience (somatosensation or sensing), clairaudience (audition or hearing), clairgustance (gustation or tasting), claircognizance (knowing). Additionally, some experts also prefer to identify two “sub-senses” within the realm of clairsentience, namely clairempathy (emotion or feeling),  and clairtangency (tactition or touching, or psychometry).

Clairolfaction is typically accompanied by clairgustance (clear taste). It would make sense that this partnership exists on a spiritual level, since our normal sense of taste and smell also go hand-in-hand. You will therefore find that many clairolfactory psychics also experience associated tastes, together with the relevant smells. Clairalience is also closely associated with clairsentience (clear sensing).

Clairolfactory psychics are in essence able to ‘smell energy’. Everything in the Universe consists of energy vibrating at different frequencies. It may very well be that with clairolfaction certain energy vibrations could stimulate the odor-detecting receptors of the human nervous system in people who are gifted.

What possibilities do exist?

·    Smelling diseases
·    Smelling shortages
·    Smelling the smell of a dead person
·    Smelling a smell of someone who is going to die
·    Smelling that something isn't good/healthy for you
·    Smelling things you see
·    Other?

·    Smelling diseases

When a person with clairolfaction ability, smells a disease by a person or animal, the person smells the (negative) energy that is emanated by the sick organ. Because every disease emanates a different energy, the kind of disease can be recognized. When you smell a disease for the first time it would be difficult to determine what it is.
It is well-known that dogs can trace cancer by humans. These dogs are clairolfaction.

·    Smelling shortages

Every person needs his own basic quantity of food, if the body or mind don't want getting trouble. The quantity and composition of the basic quantity differs from person to person. Each person needs other products. Nobody is the same. The body will function worse with shortages and with to much of certain food. the energy that is needed of a certain product (for example a specific vegetable or fruit) will be present in the aura of a person. The paranormal person can possible smell this emanation in the aura, and the nose of that person will transform the energy of the shortage in a certain smell of a certain product. What rests is a right interpretation what is meant with the smell.
It also occurs that if someone is smelling a product, it means that someone has to much energy of that product in his body and must not eat to much of it.

·    Smelling the smell of a dead person

Every person has a certain smell with himself. People love also some particular smell. When spirits are present in a room, they can make themselves known by a smell. This smell can be connected to a person that past away that loved or had that smell. This smell can't be detected by 'normal' noses.

·    Smelling a smell of someone who is going to die

Some people with the ability of clairolfaction can sense the 'smell of death'. In the days/weeks/months before a person is dying, the energetic body of the person is coming apart from the physical body. With this process some energy comes free, which can be received in the nose which translates it in a unique smell. Other people do not sense this smell. The person who is going to die, appears to have this smell with him.

·    Smelling that something isn't good/healthy for you

Another possible ability of clairolfaction is smelling of something is healthy to eat or not. For example pâté, this has a very specific smell. When the pâté smells different by clairolfaction, it is known the pâté isn't healthy to eat anymore. Another person, who doesn't have clairolfaction, just smells and doesn't find anything strange or wrong about it. The person with clairolfaction ability gets the smell of the product in the nose. With this smell the person also gets the energy of the product in the nose. In this way the person smells the energy of the product.

·    Smelling things you see

Another possible characteristic that a person with the ability of clairolfaction can have is that he smells the smell of something he sees. For example when he watches television and sees the pictures of a stable, he smells the horses. Pictures of seawater and he smells the sea. Or if a person is seen, the smell of the person is smelled in the noise. And so on.

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Clairgustance (clear taste)

Clairgustance or ‘clear taste’ is probably the most unusual of all the psychic phenomena. It is a form of extra-sensory perception (ESP) that allows the gifted person to taste a substance associated with someone or something from the past, present or future.
Psychics with this ability experience a variety of taste sensations, without actually placing anything on their tongue or into their mouth. Clairgustance therefore enables us to receive messages from the spiritual realm by ‘tasting’ the essence of various substances in the form of ‘non-physical flavors’. The effect is ultimately very similar to our normal sense of taste, but the items we are tasting are not physically present.

What could the purpose of such an odd psychic sense possibly be? Well, believe it or not, it does come in handy! Psychics who work in law-enforcement or forensics, for example, benefit greatly from their ability to become aware of the taste of chemicals, drugs or blood. It often provides clues to how a victim died, or how they were kidnapped or murdered.

Some medical intuitives can taste certain foods a person may need for their health, such as the taste of orange juice for someone who lacks vitamin C. The taste of certain medicinal substances could also indicate a possible cause of illness, or what kind of treatment to seek.
It is also very handy in some situations if you can ‘taste’ something that is harmful or dangerous; this enables you to get the necessary information about what or where the substance was, without having to physically expose yourself to it.
Mediums rely on clairgustance most often, to identify the source or reason for a message, or to communicate with the consciousness of a loved one who has passed. In this case the various tastes are directly associated with those they are communicating with. Nothing is more validating than an accurate description of your granny’s home-baked cinnamon biscuits, made from her secret recipe, or your uncle’s favorite ketchup, with which he always smothered his food at family celebrations!

But this gift of taste is not only applicable to the deceased, or non-physical entities.  Psychics also experience tastes that are linked to the living. For example, when I am about to get a phone call from one of my closest friends, I always get a strong taste of Cabernet Sauvignon, his favorite red wine cultivar. He is an avid wine collector and connoisseur, and whenever we visit him, he always opens a bottle. Over the years I have come to associate this taste with his energy signature. Surprise visits from him are therefore impossible, try as he might!

Another odd habit I have is to get a craving for cupcakes with pink frosting – always when I am forgetting someone’s birthday (don’t ask, it is a peculiar story dating back to grade school). Needless to say, this happens a lot, because I am absolutely useless at remembering names and birthdays. At least I am good with faces and energy vibrations!
Clairgustance is seldom experienced on its own. In fact,  it is very closely associated with clairolfaction or ‘clear smelling’, also known as ‘clairalience’ or ‘clairessence’. The two typically go together and it is not unusual for a psychic to experience a certain taste along with the accompanying smell or odor.

Clairgustance often also serves to enhance at least one of the other, more prominent psychic senses, such as clairvoyance (seeing), clairsentience (feeling), clairaudience (hearing) or claircognizance (knowing).

Claircognizance (clear knowing)

Claircognizance , also referred to as Clear Recognition or Clear Knowing, is the ability to know something, no-one tells them and it is not something that they’ve read before, they just simply know it.It is an inner feeling, gut feeling, something which is just known. They have an ability to answer questions and back them up with facts; when before they did not know anything.

Claircognizance means ‘clear-knowing’. Claircognizants ‘know’ certain things without being told. For claircognizants, their higher self or spirit guides put information (in the form of thought) into their mind. This can be a whole load of information that is ‘downloaded’ into the mind. It can be smaller insights about people and situations here and there. It can be an inspired idea. All claircognizance is characterized by this strong sense of knowing that goes beyond logic and by the fact that the intuitive information comes into the mind, not into the heart or the mind’s eye.

How do you know if the information is from Spirit or your own mind?

Information from Spirit is clear. It comes through objectively, without emotion. Without “shoulds.” Sometimes the energy can urge you to do something quite strongly. But it doesn’t guilt. Sometimes it feels like you’ve downloaded a whole lot of information into your mind that you intuitively know makes sense, but you may not even be able to explain with the words and concepts your human mind understand (a bit like how dreams make sense within the context of the dream, but can be hard to explain once you’ve woken up). But, overall, it’s information that your conscious mind observes, rather than information that it creates.

Information from your own mind can sometimes be inspired by Spirit and provide solutions to your problems and situations. (And does that come from your mind or your inner self via your mind? Something to think about.) But when it’s clouded or confused with emotion, especially the kind that makes you anxious or guilty-feeling, then it’s not Spirit communication.

Signs you might be claircognizant

  • You think a lot and are mentally-oriented
  • You like to figure out how things work
  • Your mind analyzes things and people
  • You can hold abstract concepts in your mind
  • You get a-ha moments – flashes of ideas like a light bulb lighting up in your mind
  • You can tell if someone is lying or not
  • You consider yourself a good judge of character
  • You get flashes of insight about the future – about a relationship as it begins, about a job offer, about a move, etc. – with no discernible source
  • Getting a sudden thought if someone ask you a question, and you just know the answer, like the answer has just been shot into your head by an unknown source.
  • You have an easy time questing, such as the number, object or word someone is thinking about.
  • You sometimes know things you aren't supposed to, as no one has every told you the answer.

How to develop your Claircognizance

Automatic writing is suitable for receiving claircognizant information, as it often comes through in big chunks. Open a word document or get a piece of paper and a pen and ask your Higher Self a question. Write down whatever comes into your mind in response – it doesn’t matter if it sounds like a load of nonsense at first, no-one will read it but you. Make sure the conscious mind is only a spectator in this exercise - don’t allow your mind to think about the information you’re getting. The first time I did this, I got three pages of nonsense from my subconscious mind. When I persisted with it, I began to channel some insights which surprised me in their clarity and wisdom. Now whenever I want to tune in to my guides or Higher Self, I open a word document and start typing and my claircognizance begins to take over. 

Just setting the intention for your claircognizance to develop will start the process! Write your intention down as this will make it more powerful. 

Make time for intuitive guidance. If you don’t already meditate, start a meditation practice, as just five minutes a day will help you to tune in more to your intuition. Meditation helps to quiet your mind and Divine guidance can come through a quiet mind more easily than a distracted one. Claircognizant information often comes through to me when I’m meditating. When I’m meditating, I imagine my crown chakra (the chakra on the top of my head) opening up and I often receive spontaneous intuitive insights upon doing that. Some people like to visualize a funnel being placed upon the crown chakra, to funnel the intuitive guidance from the Divine Intelligence. When you’re in a relaxed state and ready to receive intuitive guidance, if none is forthcoming, start the process by asking a question of your Higher Self and see what comes into your mind. 

Often your claircognizance is already operating and waiting to be recognized as guidance. Become more aware of your thoughts. In particular be very aware of what thoughts you are having when you meet someone new or when you’re being told about a situation that you know little about. See what you glean about that person/situation between the lines and if you can, get it validated.

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Clairsentience (clear-feeling)


Clairsentience, is what is more commonly referred to, as an empath. It refers to form of extra sensory perception where a person acquires psychic knowledge primarily by means of emphatic feelings and emotions. In other words you can “feel” what is going on with another person emotionally.
This can absolutely be one of the most confusing of the psychic senses. 

You are experiencing physical symptoms of an empath. Empaths absorb energy and emotions from the people, places and things around them. Some empaths also pick up energies from the Earth itself, and earthquake headaches and illness is not uncommon. I would call this "geosentience", which is clairsentience for earth energies.

Essentially, people with empathic ability are often healers, and experiencing pain and discomfort around certain people or places can be signs of an empath. Empaths tend to absorb negative energy, which makes them feel bad or unwell, but there are other ways to work with this energy.

Clairsentience or empathic ability really is a psychic gift, and there is a good purpose for it. The reason that people with empathic ability feel other people's pain is so they can help them to heal it. Many people are not aware that they have buried emotions, and that this can be the underlying cause for many painful experiences in their life. Empaths can feel the root cause of an issue, and can thereby help a person to heal at the core.

It is normal and natural for people with empathic ability to absorb other people's emotions and energies, but this is not the best way to work with this gift - instead of taking energy in, you can redirect it. Empaths have the ability to channel divine healing energy, and you can direct this energy toward people, places and things that are in pain. You can imagine light from above going directly into those people or places that need it. You could also visualize the divine light coming into you from above you, coming into your heart to be guided by your intention, then visualize the light going into your hands as healing light, and direct it toward those people or places that need it. Even if you do not know who needs healing, you can still send out balls of light to discharge built-up energy, and call upon the Universe to direct it to whoever or wherever it is most needed. This will help others feel better, and will also help you feel better.

As a "geosentient" empath, you are picking up the pain of the Earth. Rather than taking on that pain, you can shift the polarity of energy so that you are not like a vacuum cleaner, but more like an acupuncture needle for the Earth itself. Whenever you feel the pain or pressure building up inside you, realize that the Earth needs to release energy, and that you are acting as a release valve for the buildup of pressure. In these times, imagine that divine light is pouring into you from your Source above you, and that you are a pillar of light, sending light directly into the Earth. You can imagine many "acupuncture needles" of light (perhaps even crystals) going into the Earth to relieve her pain and pressure. You can also direct the light with your intention to dissipate storms and release some of the buildup of atmospheric and barometric pressure. Try to have fun with this instead of being afraid of it or burdened by it - try to lighten up for your sake and the Earth's.

The Earth does indeed have a lot going on right now, and this is becoming more intense in the times to come. There is also a great deal of emotional turmoil going on with humanity as a whole, and these intense emotions also affect the Earth and weather patterns. What makes this even worse is that many people tend to deny, ignore, or reject their emotions, particularly negative emotions, and these denied emotions build up in the collective unconscious, influencing wars, politics, and Earth changes, among other things.  Some people with empathic ability can feel the energies and emotions in the collective consciousness, and this can be extremely overwhelming and debilitating. This is why you experience an onslaught of anger and depression that are not your own. In these times, try to hold love and peace in your heart, and send that love and peace out to humanity as a whole.

11 Signs You Can Sense Spirit

  1. You often walk in a room and feel sensations of heaviness
  2. You get goosebumps and body tingles out of nowhere
  3. You've noticed sudden heat or coolness temperature changes in a room with no explanation
  4. You can sense when two people are fighting or angry with each other
  5. You feel sudden anxiety, adrenaline or bursts of energy
  6. You frequently feel tingly sensations or pressure on your around the top of your head
  7. You experience sudden, unexplained changes in mood, emotion or feelings of wellbeing
  8. You’ve felt someone walk behind you, such as a breeze, even when you were alone
  9. You’ve felt the presence of a person or animal with you when you were alone
  10. You often feel nervous or unsettled, such as being in a crowded or small room, even when you aren't
  11. You’ve experienced the sensation of being touched or brushed with no explanation

Relaxation Increases Your Clairsentience

To receive clairsentient Divine guidance, begin by relaxing. Studies find that a person's physical comfort level affects their psychic abilities. Comfortable room temperatures, seating conditions, and clothing all increase the number of verifiable psychic experiences. Since clairsentients are especially tuned in to sensory information, a comfortable setting increases your awareness and understanding of your true Divine guidance. I have found that having fragrant flowers, such as stargazers and tuberoses, in the room also enhances my clairsentience.

1.Find a comfortable and quiet place to sir during the exercise.

2. Take a few deep breaths and move your shoulders and neck around a bit to loosen any tight muscles. Adjust your seating position so you are completely at ease. The goal is for you to be so comfortable that your mind is not aware of your body, as any discomfort would distract your attention from Divine guidance.

3. Mentally call on the angels to surround you. Think,   "Angels, please surround me now." You might visualize the angels circling you and the room.

4. Notice any feelings that follow: skin tingles, air pressure or temperature changes, warmth in your chest.

5. Think the words   "Love, love, love," and sink into the feeling of being hugged by a giant cloud of unconditional love. Allow yourself to feel safe, protected, and loved.

6. In this state of sure protection and love, ask God and the angels a question. The topic of your question doesn't matter; they answer every question. The only criterion is that your question must be something about which you honestly desire Divine guidance. Go to the heart of your question, and mentally ask for answers and direction.

7. Be certain to keep breathing. To breathe or inspire means taking in spirit, or inspiration. If you hold your breath or have shallow breaths, you block Divine communication.

8. As you breathe deeply, notice any feelings in your body. Did you feel a tightening anywhere? If so, put your focus on that area, and mentally ask it, "What are you trying to tell me?" Be open to receiving an honest answer, because it will reply. You will only understand the answer, though, if your mind is open to receiving the truth. Then, have a mental conversation with that part of your body that tightened or tingled after you requested Divine guidance.

9. Also notice the emotions that fluttered in answer to your question. Did you receive joy? Feel its intended meaning, which is God's go-ahead to improve your life. Did you feel a heaviness, a coldness, or dread? These are warnings that you are headed off your path.

Heightening Your Awareness of Physical Feelings

Even when we're consciously unaware of receiving Divine guidance, our bodies often acknowledge it with subtle muscular changes, such as tightening in the stomach, fluttering heart, or perspiring palms. After becoming sensitized to physical feelings, you are more apt to notice clairsentient guidance.

Your awareness of clairsentient guidance will also increase if you practice increasing your sensitivity to physical feelings. You can try this right now:

1. Become aware of your feet. Focus on how they feel. Are your feet comfortable? What is immediately next to the skin on your feet? Socks, shoes, the floor? How does that feel against your feet?

2. Concentrate on your jaw, tongue, and mouth. Notice whether your mouth is open or shut. Are any muscles in your jaw tense? How about the other facial muscles?

3. Notice any tension around your head, shoulders, arms, hands, back, buttocks, legs, arms, and feet. Think about tense rods of steel turning into limp pieces of rope. Did you feel your muscles relax with this thought?

4. Notice how your clothing feels against your skin. What is comfortable and what feels uncomfortable about your attire?

5. How comfortable is the surface on which you are sitting, standing, or reclining?

6. Pick up any soft-edged object near you, such as a cup, napkin, pillow; or piece of clothing. Close your eyes and slowly run the object across the skin of your hands, your arms, and the inside of your wrist. Focus your attention on the sensations. Try rubbing the object on one area of your arm, and compare the sensation to the feeling when you tap the object on your arm. 

7. Experiment with different objects and different pressures and motions. The objective of this exercise is to increase your awareness of bodily feelings. The more you practice increasing your sensitivity and awareness, the easier you'll find it is to follow your clairsentient Divine guidance.

Clairaudience (Psychic Hearing)


This is where we use our hearing, but not necessarily our ears, to get information from Spirit.  We use our ‘inner’ and physical ears.

Have you ever caught yourself thinking something or listening to something but not on a conscious level, but more the case you catch yourself halfway through? This is the start of Clairaudience.

Clairaudience is a psychic ability that enables a person who has it, to listen to messages from the Spirit World.

“Clairaudience is receiving messages in thought form from another frequency or realm. It is considered a form of channeling.

We actually do it all the time, especially under duress, or in an emergency, when we focus/listen to what we call the 'little voice' in our head. We are always connected to the other side, we need only focus on what is being said to realize how our immediate destiny is manifesting.”

So what is channeling?

Imagine that you work for the United Nations as a translator. When delegates from various countries talk in their own languages, those who do not know such languages will find it difficult to understand what is being said.

As a translator, your job is to translate or communicate what is being said, from one language into another.

At its most basic, this is what channeling involves.

Translating Messages from One Realm to Another

If you are the channeler, then you receive messages from non-human sources in their special language, and “translate” these messages into words and sentences that humans can easily understand.

These are the typical non-human sources from where these messages received:
  • Angels
  • Spirit Guides
  • The Deceased, often your departed relatives, family members, and/or friends. Messages from others who have passed over may also be received, even if you weren’t close to them while they were still on earth
  • Nature Spirits – these could be fairies, elves, and the like
  • Animals, most especially your pets
As a channeler, you are automatically clairaudient.

How Clairaudience Works

There is a misconception that for clairaudience to happen, you need to be in a trance or in the middle of deep meditation.

This is not necessarily true, although being in a trance state can actually help you receive messages from the Spirit World.

Another misconception is that a psychic who is clairaudient only hears words or sentences.

It doesn’t work that way.

If your human language were English, for example, you wouldn’t expect an angel or a fairy to talk to you in English too. They may, but this is not necessarily the case.

If you have the psychic ability of clairaudience, then you will experience this psychic gift as more of a type of sensing. Meaning, hearing with both your external ears and your “internal ears,” or hearing the messages in your mind.

A Voice in Your Head

Today clairaudience is identified in many different forms. You may hear your own voice or one or more other voices. These voices may be heard as spirit guides, angels, deceased relatives or other spirits, symbolic figures, divine wisdom, or even animal guides. These voices may come when you are awake or in your dreams.
You may only hear a voice when you have a specific need, or you may receive regular guidance from it — and there may be several different voices that you can perceive at different times. You may be able to project yourself out into the Universe and have a conference with brilliant minds on the Other Side.
You may be able to channel the voice of your spirit guide or let the voice of a departed spirit speak through you. You may hear the spirit’s message and be able to repeat it word for word. You may actually become the other personality and lose your style of speaking or even your thought process. This is usually done while one of you (yourself or the medium) is in an altered state of consciousness, as during a séance.
The voices in your head should be ones that offer you positive guidance and encouragement. If for any reason you constantly hear negative voices, you should immediately seek professional help to understand what you are hearing.
Sounds and Music
Besides voices, certain sounds may provide you with psychic insights. Some people hear ringing in both or one of their ears as a warning from the Universe. You may already be receiving such a communication without even realizing it. If you have sounds in your head, pay attention to their possible meanings.
Do you hear music in your mind? Have you ever had a song pop into your head and a short time later hear it being played on the radio or television? If so, what does that mean? It could be your spirit guides telling you to pay attention to other messages that may give you psychic insight. There is always a meaning to the messages, sounds, or music, and sometimes when you hear them you are merely receiving a confirmation of your intuitive gifts.

9 Signs You Are Clairaudient

  • you have a tendency to talk to yourself.

You frequently troubleshoot, think of replies you would give to certain scenarios, calm yourself down and talking to yourself after a stressful event. If the solutions and replies you are getting are calming, clear headed, and thoughtful, this is a sign that the other participant in the conversation is Spirit and you hear them clairaudiently.

  • you give profound advice.

If you sometimes give great advice, yet afterwards, you have no idea how that fantastic speech just came out of your mouth - this is a sign that Spirit gave you the words. Spirit can speak through you, as you speak aloud what it is they say. Same thing if it’s written.

  • you’re already a practicing comforter.

Your livelihood and profession is to give calming, centered advice. Therapists, counselors, nurses, coaches, anything where a main role of your life is involved with calming, stress diffusing advice, suggestions and guidance. Very likely that these words are coming from Spirit Guides and Angels and coming through you, without your knowledge. This is why sometimes the advice seems so perfectly tailored to what that person needed at that moment.

  • you hear ringing or buzzing in your ears a lot.

It tends to come on very quickly and dissipate after a few minutes or seconds. This is often a signal that Spirit wants your attention or is giving you important information.

  • you hear whispering, noises, talking, radio in the distance.

This is often Spirit generated speech, especially if there is no known physical source of the speaking. If it bothers you, ask those in Spirit around you either speak up to tell you what they want or ask them to pipe down so you can go to sleep.

  • you hear knocking, footsteps, creaking noises.

This is actually a sign that you can hear the movement of Spirit around you.

  • if you’ve ever been in the same room with someone, and thought they said something, but when asked, they say, “no, i didn’t say anything.”

If this is happening to you a lot, it’s a sign you’re hearing Spirit.

  • sudden inspiration or ideas that just come to you, often in full detail - while you’re driving, showering, or doing otherwise mundane tasks.

Surprise! These mundane tasks are often considered meditative quiet time for Spirit, and the perfect time for those who support you, to give you ideas and solutions to your problems. When you wonder internally, “Man, I’m not sure what to say to this person here. I don’t know what would be the best thing to say.” Then later on, the perfect words have come into your mind out of nowhere - it was likely those Spirits of yours helping you out!

  • you hear messages that sound like they were delivered just for you.

On the radio, on television or with spoken word, you often catch messages delivered from your Guides and Angels through another human vehicle. Spirit can make the world around you just a bit quieter and help you hone in your focus to deliver a message just for you. If this focused hearing happens a lot, it’s a sign Spirit is trying to speak to you.

Whenever you hear something, either internally or externally, without a physically explainable source - it’s likely Spirit oriented and being that you have a Spirit within that physical body of yours, it’s no surprise you can hear it.

Monday, 25 July 2016

Clairvoyance (inner eye)

Clairvoyance is the opening of your ability for intuitive sight.

Clairvoyance is the ability to see things which are hidden. Sometimes used in remote viewing, clairvoyance has occasionally been credited for people finding missing children and locating lost objects. While there is no scientific evidence of how clairvoyance works - much like other psychic abilities - anecdotally, there are many stories of people who believe they have used clairvoyance in a variety of ways.

Clairvoyance is the ability to see clearly with your inner eye. Many people regard clairvoyance with some ambivalence: either they dismiss it as a clever “parlor trick,” developed from an ability to read subtle body language and facial expressions, or they view it with a measure of awe, as some “magical gift” that’s only attainable if you happen to be the seventh son of a seventh son, for example.

The fact is we are all clairvoyant. Recognizing and developing your intuitive abilities has many practical, down-to-earth uses in one’s life.  In today’s culture, we have access to more information than ever before. Much of it is true for someone, but it may not be accurate for you. Understanding and utilizing your intuitive abilities to discern your truth from that which is not true for you lead to a greater awareness of your own internal skills and abilities.

To see clearly the things which appear either within your mind or external to yourself. Clairvoyants can often see colors, images, visions, dreams and symbols that can help them make sense of their environment - either literally or metaphorically - either within their mind’s eye or externally with their physical eyes.

Clairvoyance is a way that we can tap into the own knowledge of our soul, and the collective knowledge of all souls of the universe - through vision - through image. You, too, can receive clairvoyant images as lights, as flashes, as personal memories coming forward to illuminate a situation in need of solving in present time.

how do you know it’s real?

While many people who are very clairvoyant actually discredit their clairvoyant abilities as daydream, wandering of the mind, wishful thinking and their imagination, most of the intuitive abilities manifest from the same side of the brain that houses your creative centers - you right side.  This is the same side of the brain that houses imagination, however, imagining is seeing what is not perceivable by the physical world. Your imagination houses the seeds of the clairvoyant images, lights or shapes that start to appear in the same way that all creative and free expression of your soul manifests - with imagery.

Clairvoyance doesn’t always rise up and make it’s first appearance in an elaborate precognitive dream. Often, it’s much more subtle than that. It can begin as seeing colors, having headaches or even the sensation that your vision may be going.

What are some signs you are naturally clairvoyant?

9 signs your clairvoyant abilities are opening up:

  1. Dreams are becoming more active or more vivid
  2. You find yourself daydreaming a lot
  3. When you feel like there’s a ghost/Spirit in your space, you feel like you can see it in your mind and you have an idea of what that Spirit might look like, if there was one
  4. You have had precognitive visions in dream or meditation
  5. You are starting to see flashes of Light or having blurry vision
  6. You see things out of the corner of your eyes, to the point where you are actually double taking and double checking that you didn’t just see someone
  7. You’re good coming up with descriptive metaphors to explain things
  8. When you listen to conversation, you often have an inner scene playing out in your mind where you can literally see it happening as they talk
  9. You often create entire scenes in your mind about the future

Becoming Clairvoyant: 6 Ways to Increase Psychic Seeing

1. Practice Visualization

Clairvoyants have strong visualization abilities.

Soooo, it is really helpful to spend time on becoming a super visualizer.  The more often you practice this skill, the easier it will become.

Remember, the “seeing” clairvoyants have is usually in their minds eye –  through their third eye – the chakra located just above and between your eyebrows.

In other words, the visions, pictures, and symbols you see are “in your head”.

It’s easier to receive clairvoyant images when your third eye chakra is open.  That’s why spending time opening it is helpful.
Spend a few minutes each day visualizing different images, pictures, and scenes in your minds eye is a really fun and relaxing way to develop clairvoyance.

2. Play a Clairvoyant Game

Clairvoyant Game #1

Do you remember playing the game Memory as a child?  You know, the game where you place all of the cards face down, then flip over one at a time, trying to make matches?

Memory is an excellent game to play to help become more clairvoyant.  As you are playing, try “seeing” in your mind’s eye where each card is.

Clairvoyant Game #2

Here’s another fun clairvoyant game.  Have a friend place 10 random items on your kitchen table (make sure you leave the room while she’s setting up).

When she’s done, walk back into the room.  Study the items for 10-20 seconds.

Now close your eyes and imagine each of the items.  Practice seeing in your mind’s eye where each item is located.  Its size.  Its color.

Write all of the objects down, in as much detail as possible.  Open your eyes, look at the table, and see how you did.

3. Use Crystals to Open the Third Eye

Crystals are a GREAT way to open your third eye chakra.  Place them near you when you meditate or lay them near your forehead when you go to sleep.

You can also carry them in your pocket.  This will help remind you of your intention to develop your clairvoyance throughout the day.  Plus, crystals are just fun to carry.  Period

4. Keep a Dream Journal

Clairvoyant people often experience vivid dreams.  Working with your dreams is a cool way to become clairvoyant.  Plus, it’s practically effortless!

Why dreams? Our Spirit Guides, angels and loved ones in heaven communicate with us through dreams.  When we sleep, our logical minds rest and our subconscious mind can freely accept the spiritual guidance that we would normally ignore or overlook.
Sleep time becomes “play time” for us as we astral travel and connect with Spirit (what else is our soul going to do while our body sleeps?).

Keep your journal next to your bed to record your dreams as soon as you wake up.  After a while, you may start to notice patterns and symbols that are meaningful to you.  You may even remember a past life!  Super fun, I know!

Keeping a dream journal will also help you see how your clairvoyance is evolving. There’s no better motivation and inspiration than “seeing” how far you’ve come.

5. Set the Intention to Receive Guidance Through Your Dreams

Have you ever had your mom give you advice when you didn’t ask?  :)  Well, your Spiritual family is also THRILLED to supply you with the direction you need.

They always help for the highest and best good of your soul.  Simply set the intention that you’re open to receiving intuitive guidance.  Ask that they give you messages via your clairvoyance while you sleep.  Don’t forget to write down the messages when you wake up.

6. Meditate

You’ve probably heard this a BAJILLION times, but meditation is essential to developing any of your psychic gifts.  Why?  It clears your mind, raises your vibration (which is how we can detect subtle Spirit energy), and gets you out of your logical mind.

Meditation, like visualization opens your third eye.  All mediation improves your mind’s eye ability to see, but you can also mediate specifically with the intention to become clairvoyant.  And you can do it in just a few minutes a day.

Meditation to Open the Third Eye I

Get into a comfortable position, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, getting settled in your body.  Once you feel stable, practice seeing the face of a loved one in your mind’s eye.  Look closely.  Imagine their laugh lines, dimples, all of it!

Meditation to Open the Third Eye II

Get comfy, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths.  Set the intention to expand your clairvoyant abilities.  Focus your attention on your third eye chakra.

Imagine the chakra in a majestic purple color, spinning beautifully, signifying it’s wide open.

You will probably experience slight tingling between your eyebrows.

This is normal and a sign that your third eye area is opening, further allowing your clairvoyant gifts to flourish.

Psychic Clairs - (Major Intuitive Abilities)

The Six "clairs": Identifying and developing psychic senses

Remember learning about the five senses as a schoolkid?  Psychic ability is often considered to be a sixth sense, and that's one way to think of it.  But there is a more precise construction, which posits five psychic senses that correspond to the five physical senses.  These are sometimes called "the five 'clairs,'" after the French word stem that they all share.  Today, we're going to define all five, and discuss how they're used and different ways to develop them.

Clair = Clear

The term “clair” has a French origin, translating to “clear” in English. Which, when used psychically, is incredibly ironic, because psychic information tends to be subtle, and often-times is anything but clear.

The most common and well known of the psychic clairs is clairvoyant. Building on the translation of “clair”, clairvoyant is translated from clair (clear (adj.)) + voyant “seeing,” present participle of voir, from Latin videre “to see” to literally mean “clear seeing” or “clear sighted”.

Clairvoyant originally was ascribed to someone who had great insight, typically a particularly astute doctor, but instead of a positive connotation, the term typically was used to infer “quackery”. In the mid-1800s, the term became synonymous with a person who had psychic gifts or the ability to see beyond the physical.

Psychic Medium Communication Types

Once you understand that “clair” literally means “clear”, it is easy to translate all of the related terms into easily understood psychic abilities. There are six clairs that can be attributed to one’s “sixth sense”.

  • Clairalience (clear smelling)—Smelling scent (e.g., perfume, cigarette smoke)
  • Clairaudience (clear hearing)—Hearing words, phrases, and songs!
  • Claircognizance (clear knowing)—Psychic knowing or direct thoughts
  • Clairgustance (clear tasting)—Tasting a substance psychically
  • Clairsentience (clear feeling)—Bodily feelings and sensations
  • Clairvoyance (clear seeing)—Receiving images and visions, typically in your third-eye

1. Clairvoyance – clear seeing

Clairvoyance is an inner seeing.  It’s the most well known, but least understood intuitive gift on our list of psychic abilities.

I would describe it as watching a little movie inside your head.

Someone who is clairvoyant is not necessarily seeing the future or having dramatic psychic visions like you see in the movies.

Rather, clairvoyance can be very subtle.  For example, you may just see a color, a number, or even a symbol.  You may or may not understand what these images mean, and they are not always meant to be taken literally.

On the other hand, you may get a full blown premonition.  Like the old saying goes, “I saw that one coming!”

Other terms for clairvoyance:  third eye, psychic eye, psychic vision.

2. Clairsentience – clear feeling

Clairsentience is the ability to receive intuitive messages via feelings, emotions, or physical sensations.  Empathy (feeling the emotions of others) is also a form of clairsentience.

Here’s a great example of a clairsentience:

My daughter is fourteen and for the last two years, I’ve homeschooled her.  Prior to that, she struggled at school, in part, because she’s extremely empathic and clairsentient. When someone is sad, angry, or ecstatic, she feels it.

She is so sensitive to energy that school would leave her feeling exhausted, anxious, and overwhelmed.

You may feel that way, too.  Whether you are at school or at work, you may feel drained or pick up on the moods of people around you.  You may feel exhausted being around someone who is negative and it may be difficult for you to watch the news.

As a clairsentient, it may be very easy for you to know when someone is lying to you – you can just feel it somehow. And you may even feel the physical ailments of others.

Other common terms for clairsentience:  empath, spiritual or intuitive empath.

3. Clairaudience – clear hearing

No list of psychic abilities would be complete without clairaudience.
Clairaudience is a way of receiving intuitive messages without using the physical ears.  I know, that sounds weird.  Let me explain.

Think of clairaudience as an inner hearing.  For example, you may suddenly hear that little voice inside you say, “go right!” or “stop!”.

When a highly sensitive person – such as a psychic or medium – is clairaudient, they are able to hear things that others cannot, such as spirit voices, sounds, and even music.

For example, spiritual mediums are often clairaudient and can hear words, phrases, and names from those who have passed on.

Most times, the medium will hear Spirit speaking inside his or her own head in her own voice (it sounds like when you are reading silently to yourself).  On some occasions, the medium may also hear the actual voice that the spirit had when they were living.

4. Claircognizance – clear knowing

Claircognizance is the ability to just know something without logic or facts.  It may help to think of it as an inner knowing.
Like if you know that you shouldn’t trust your new neighbor or get on that airplane, but you don’t know why, that is claircognizance.  It’s an important extrasensory perception, so it makes it into the top four on our list of psychic abilities.

These claircognizant feelings can be very strong.  They can also come in the form of intuitive thoughts that can pop into your head at random.

For example, my husband (who is not psychic) was driving on the highway with some co-workers.  He says he didn’t know why, but all of a sudden he knew he had to tell everyone to buckle up.

Less than five minutes later, their vehicle was rear ended from behind by a car going 65 miles an hour.  The seat my husband was sitting in broke in half.

This is a great example of an intuitive thought coming through in the form of claircognizance.  He didn’t know why everyone needed to buckle up – he just knew they had to do it immediately!

But he could have received that intuitive message in another way.  He could have had a vision of an accident.  Same message, but received in a different manner. That’s the concept for you to grasp here today while reading this list of psychic abilities.

5.Clairalience – clear smelling

The last two "clairs" are the least often discussed, but they can be very useful, especially as supplementary skills.  Biology tells us that smell and taste are our oldest senses, the ones connected with our animal past.  In human beings, they're somewhat atrophied.  Most other creatures routinely gather information about their environments through smell, but for us, this ability is so rare that it seems to border on the supernatural.

In folklore, clairalience is most often associated with spirit presence.  It's very common for the dead to announce their presence with a whiff of a familiar perfume or tobacco.  In the realm of ceremonial magic, scent also plays an important role.  Many spirits, gods, and astral places have fragrances that are associated with them, and the proper incense or perfume can be used either as a tool to draw them near, or as a signal of their presence.

If you want to develop your sense of psychic smell, try meditating to get back in touch with this vestigial sense.  When you smell something, you're actually taking molecules of it into your body through the air.  How weird is that?  (And yet, its an apt description of how we move through the mundane and psychic worlds alike, never isolated, always taking in and putting out stuff.)  Close your eyes and see how many smells you can discern in the room around you. You can also practice "visualizing" (or recalling) familiar smells, trying to recreate them in your mind as vividly as possible.

6.Clairgustance ("clear tasting").

Clairgustance is the least-discussed of the five "clairs"--I've never met anyone who claims to be a gifted third-generation clairgustant.  I once heard a phone psychic describing the experience of tasting the peanut butter sandwich one of her clients had been eating before the call--but that's the only example I can think of.  Taste and smell are very similar, biologically speaking, so I would imagine that anything said about clairalience would also apply to clairgustance.

Friday, 22 July 2016

Psychic Abilities

Psychic Abilities, Types & Symptoms

What is Psychic Power/Abilities?

Every person has some degree of intuition and psychic powers. Intuition is an inner knowing or inner guidance system that can be communicated and expressed through a variety of psychic powers. Some people may be strongly gifted with one of these psychic powers, while others may have many psychic powers available to them. Some people only listen to their intuition on occasion, while others choose to fully develop their psychic powers in order to become professional psychics. When it comes to using psychic powers professionally, there are many areas of specialty or expertise.
Psychic Power is available to everyone who wants to work with it. The focus of psychic power is the development of one or more of the following senses: sight (clairvoyance), hearing (clairaudience) or touch (clairsentience). Through the development of our senses we strengthen our connection with the universal energy that is Spirit, and to the wisdom that Spirit brings to us. We experience psychic power all the time, without realizing it. We may call it intuition – knowledge that comes to us unbidden, or we may call it that “Aha!” moment. We may just call it a “gut feeling”. It is an energy that surrounds us all the time, and is easily tapped into.

Working with our psychic power opens up our minds, our hearts, and our lives. It connects us with our creative nature, and with the power of imagination. It allows us to work directly with Spirit to find and follow our path. By enhancing our senses, we reach out to a world beyond our physical world, to the world of spirit. We learn to see and interpret things from a broader perspective.

We learn to allow solutions to our problems to come to us, rather than having to work so hard to run after them and “make” them happen. When we open up the world of our senses, we leave behind the world of logic – which may have been acting to constrict us in the first place!

What Is Psychic Power?

Psychic power is the ability to know something without any logical connection or thought process. It can be a vibration that we feel; it can be a voice that we hear in our head; it can be an image that comes to us unbidden. It can come through our senses of touch, sight, or hearing, or it can come from what we call our "Sixth Sense," through our brow chakra. This is what some people term extra-sensory perception (ESP).

Why do we want to pay attention to the messages that come to us (whether they are auditory or visual images)? Because when we do this we align ourselves with our inner self, as well as with the larger energy of Spirit. We can speak with our Spirit Guides, with Angels and Archangels, we can receive information from them unbidden, or we can ask them questions and receive answers.

We can release the negativity from our life, and we can access our creativity and our imagination. We can take down the barriers that we have constructed through the use of logic, and see a much bigger picture of life. We can heal ourselves. Everyone and everything in the universe is connected. Every thought that we have, every action that we take, affects our world in more ways than we know. Using our psychic power allows us to feel empowered, to make informed decisions, and to take informed actions.

Pay attention to your dreams; pay attention to the images that come to you during waking hours; pay attention to your feelings. These messages are being given to you for a reason – use them wisely. Develop them, respect them, honor them, and your life will function at a level that you have never before experienced!

Types of Psychic Abilities

Generalized Descriptive Terms

Clairaudient – ability to hear beyond the physical hearing; such as voices, music and sounds.

Clairsentient – ability to feel or sense beyond the physical; such as gaining information through the five physical senses (heightened), intuition or ‘gut feelings’.

Clairvoyance – ability to see beyond the physical sight; could be in the form of telepathy, precognition. Can receive information in the form of symbols; mind pictures; overlays (example: seeing past and present at same time).

Psychic – a generalized, and often over-used, term; can refer to basically any psychic abilities.

 Some of the More Common Psychic Abilities

Channeling – ability to communicate with non-physical energies, such as ‘masters’, angels, guides and other world beings.

Empath – ability to sense and/or feel others emotions, or residual emotions. For those empaths who are untrained, the emotions can feel like their own ad can be confusing. Public places and/or large crowds can be overwhelming.

The number of empaths on planet Earth are on the rise, and are usually coupled with one or more other abilities.

Far-See – ability to see far into the possible future (or past). This is closely related to the Probability ability.

Both abilities rely on the ability to foresee the most likely outcome based on the current energy patterns.

Far-See example: While driving, one can catch glimpses of the houses, buildings, landscape, etc. in the far future (or distant past).

Probability example: knowing what is going to happen shortly, based on the current energy patterns (closely related to Precognitive).

Healer – a very broad category. Healings can come in as many ways as the healers, themselves, develop. A word of caution to new healers: please never take others ailments into your own body.

Often beginner healers may start to see patterns during daily interactions. Friends and acquaintances may appear to feel better, cheerier, more up-beat or energetic when around you.

Some healers pray to heal. There are also: laying on of hands; visualization; manipulation of energy; auric healing (working on re-balancing the aura); chakra healers (re-balancing the seven primary physical energy vortices on the human body); Reiki, and much more.

Medium – ability to communicate with those who have crossed over (deceased). It can be getting messages from a deceased loved one or strangers.

Multi-talented Sensitive (my term) – one who has more than one working ability. A lot of people are now in the category, and it is growing.

Precognitive – ability to know things/events, etc. beforehand.

Premonition – ability to sense or feel an upcoming event – usually a ‘gut feeling’ about something. (Closely related to Precognitive.)

Psychometry – ability to touch an object, item or person and receive information. This information can be received in mind pictures (like still photos or short snippets of moving film); or sudden a knowing of information.

Telepathy – the ability to hear others thoughts, ideas, etc. (receiver) and/or send thoughts, ideas, etc. to others (sender). The ability to be both a sender and receiver is growing.

Tool Readers – ability to use a tool to provide a focus to access information about another. Examples can be (but not limited to): tarot cards, other card types, tea leaves, crystal ball, stones, minerals, ‘doodles’, etc.

10 Signs of Psychic Awakening

1. Tingling Sensation or Pressure
You may begin to develop this in the “third eye” area (between the eyebrows), at the crown of the head, or in your chakras.  This happens for two reasons:

  • you are picking up energetic signals
  • your chakras are opening up

In the beginning stages of development, this sensation can be very strong.

2. Connection with Spirit
You might find that you are having a stronger connection to the spirit world.  In other words, it may become easier for you to sense the presence of Spirit:  Your spirit guides, angels, and your own loved ones in heaven.

You may also begin to feel the presence of other people’s loved ones around.  For many folks, mediumship is a natural progression that follows psychic awakening. (And it’s perfectly fine for your mediumship to develop at the same time as your intuition.

3. Desire to be Away from Negativity
You may also find that you are picking up on the emotions and feeling of others quite easily.  This is known as being empathic, or an empath.

Because of your sensitivity, you might feel drained being around people who are very negative or dramatic.  Honor what you are feeling, and stay away from the drama whenever possible.

4. Desire to Eat Healthier Foods
Suddenly craving a salad instead of potato chips?  Here’s why:

When you are doing intuitive work, you vibrate at a higher frequency (remember, we are all vibrational beings).  So, without realizing it, you could be instinctively reaching for “higher vibrational” foods, such as fruits, vegetables, etc.

These foods help keep you from being weighed down and keep your vibration light.  Some people even choose to adopt a psychic diet.

5. Desire to Learn and Be More Spiritual
Most everyone who experiences a psychic awakening has an appetite to learn.  As we open up, we are shedding our old skins and subconsciously remembering the luminance of our soul.  To that end, it’s common to want to read everything we can get our hands on, learn as much as possible, and walk a more spiritual path.

6. Frequent or Vivid Dreams
Vivid dreaming, or dreaming more often, is another common symptom of psychic awakening.  There are two reasons for this:

  • When you are sleeping, there is no resistance.  In other words, your mind is not getting in the way of what you are receiving intuitively.  So, during the day you might get a feeling about something and say to yourself, “Hmm, should I trust my gut feeling, or is this just my logical mind?”  In the sleep state, that resistance is not present.  And don’t worry, this does not necessarily mean that your dreams are premonitions.
  • As you open up, it becomes much easier to access other levels of consciousness, such as the dream state.  It’s helpful (and fun!) to start keeping a dream journal near your bed.
7. Heightened Sensitivity of Your Physical Senses

If you find that your hearing is heightened, you are seeing twinkles of light, or “something” out of the corner of your eye… Congratulations!  It means that your psychic senses, or “clairs,” are opening up and getting stronger.   This is a normal part of the awakening process.

8. Intuitive “Hits”
Having a sense that something is going to happen or receiving a third eye vision is another sign.  For some, this can be very exciting; for others, it’s very frightening.  If you are in the latter category:
  • Set the intention that you will not receive any scary messages or visions.
  • Practice using intuitive guidance on yourself as much as possible.  This will allow you to become familiar with it; and in time, it will feel natural and comfortable.  Tip:  You’ll also learn to control your gifts eventually – your psychic ability does not need to be turned “on” at all times.
9. Headaches
The headaches are terrible, aren’t they?  Unfortunately, they are pretty common.  They are caused by the influx of energy.

One thing you can do to try to combat this pesky problem is to soak your feet in warm water.  This will help bring the energy down to your feet, and away from your head.  Feel free to add Epsom salts or essential oils to the water.  You may also want to check with a medical doctor to make sure there is no underlying cause for your headache.

10. Losing Friends – Making New Ones
The path of psychic awakening is exciting!  Your soul will grow tremendously during this time.  You may find that you are outgrowing some friends, and things that were once important to you no longer are.  It’s okay; the Universe will put new people in your path.  Continue to trust.