Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Out of Body Experience (OBE) or Astral Projection

Out of Body Experience - What is it?
An "out of body experience" (OBE) can be defined as the process of transiently separating the consciousness (spirit) from the physical body, such that the person and world are observed from outside of the body. OBE's are also known as astral projections. There are several ways people perceive an out of body experience, including dreams, daydreams, and memories. People have reported having out of body experiences while under the influence of drugs or induced by some sort of trauma, as well as near death experiences. Astral projection is taught through books, the internet, and religious techniques. An out of body experience is said to be clearer than a dream or daydream. Those who practice astral projections claim that their senses are enhanced, allowing them to see and feel with more clarity and without physical constraint. The origins of out of body experiences are unknown. However, OBE's have been practiced for many years in several different cultures. The New Age Movement is widely known for promoting and using this practice.

An out-of-body experience (OBE) is characterized by a feeling of departing from one’s physical body and observing both one’s self and the world from outside one’s body. The experience is quite common in dreams, daydreams, and memories, where we quite often take the external perspective. Some OBEs coincide with lucid dreaming. Some people experience an OBE while under the influence of an anesthetic or while semi-conscious due to trauma. Some people have an OBE while under the influence of drugs. OBEs have been induced by  electrically stimulating the right angular gyrus (located at the juncture of the temporal and parietal lobes).*  Finally, some people experience an OBE when they are near death (near-death experiences or NDEs).

Out of Body Experience - Why Do People Seek It?
Out of body experiences are sought after by those who desire knowledge or power in the spiritual realm, endeavor to help people, are curious, or want to be entertained. In some cases, people actually seek OBE's to cause harm to others. For the most part, an out of body experience is desired for a spiritual reason, such as reaching a higher level of consciousness or enlightenment.

4 Out of Body Experience Symptoms You May Know

For a lot of people who are not familiar with out of body experience symptoms, these signs can be very scary. For the beginner who has not experienced it, fear can get in the way of experiencing this amazing ability. That’s why it is good to know some signs or symptoms that often turn up.

Sleep paralysis

The first sign of out of body experience symptoms is sleep paralysis, getting used to this symptom is very difficult. In everyday life, our physical and psychical self convene in one coherent feeling. In sleep paralysis, your mind is awake, but your body is sleeping. You may want to, but you won’t be able to move any part of your body. Just like someone threw a very heavy cover over you. The key is to relax, and embrace the power of your mind wandering, not your legs.

Energetic charge/vibrations

There is a big chance you will feel some kind of vibration. Some call it vibrations, others call it tingle. But for sure, it is some kind of energetic flicker, not visible to other people watching (if there are any). It means that your body is not actually shivering, you just feel electrified. Intensity may vary from slight trembling to strong pulse like shaking. And, of course, there is a chance you don’t feel any.

Undefined sounds or noises

Just like the vibrations, the following symptom cannot be precisely explained. It’s good to highlight that the two usually go together. Those are undefined sounds or noises. People describe them as buzzing, humming or whirring. Also, as white noise, obscure murmur or a train rushing by. The only thing that’s clear from the depiction is how much these sounds deviate from person to person. And not only in quality, but in quantity too. They could be pretty loud, but it’s unlikely that the intensity will be the same throughout the whole experience.

Out of body experience symptoms: Sinking into Bed feeling

Another out of body experience symptoms that may appear is sinking into bed feeling. It can be disturbing, especially combined with body numbness, as you have no control over your body or current situation. Also, if you’re outside of your bedroom, you could be sinking into the ground, the sensation is not bed-related. This symptom comes in few variations. One is the exact opposite. You’re not sinking – but floating or levitating above the bed or ground. And another one is spine-chilling, as it has the element of surprise – a sudden fall.

The 7-Step Rope Technique For Astral Projection

Step 1: Relax

Relax your mind and body. You may choose to meditate or perform a series of very deep breaths. In and out, always very slowly. Make sure you inhale deeply and that your breaths are not shallow.

If you know a good body relaxation meditation, use it. If not, you can tense your muscles and release them one at a time. Work from your toes to the top of your head.

Step 2: Get into a hypnotic state

After you feel fully relaxed, you need to enter a hypnotic state where your mind is at the edge of sleep and no further. Now lie down and focus on an object. Stare at it until you can visualize it perfectly even with your eyes closed.

Step 3: Get into a deeper state of relaxation

Now it’s time to enter a deeper state of relaxation. Your eyes are still closed and you are still visualizing your chosen object. But now you look around you with your eyes closed. Gaze into the darkness.

After a while you may see light patterns dance across your eyes. Just ignore them and they will go away. Once they disappear you’ve entered a deeper state of relaxation. You will be so relaxed that you are no longer aware of your physical body. Once you reach this level, it’s time for step 4.

Step 4: Enter a state of vibration

This is the most vital step and it’s when you enter into a state of vibration. This state may take longer if you are new to this. When you do begin to feel the vibrations, your astral body has begun to leave your physical body. Just acknowledge this and feel the vibrations.

Step 5: Control the vibrations

Focus on the vibrations as they travel throughout your body. Using your willpower, control them with your mind. As you feel them, try to control the frequency of the waves as well as stopping and starting them. Once you master changing the frequency and you are sure that you can induce them when needed, you’re ready for step 6.

Step 6: Imagine the rope

Here is where you will exert your control and willpower. Imagining that there is a long rope hanging right above you. Without opening your eyes or moving your physical body, visualize yourself reaching up towards the rope.

Once you grab a hold of the rope, bring your hand back into your physical body, slow down the vibrations, and end the session.

After you become fully alert and awakened, move on to step 7.

Step 7: Rinse and repeat – now let’s do the whole body

Now that you’ve done a partial separation you’re ready to try the whole body. Repeat the previous 6 steps but this time, don’t stop at just one hand. Imagine your other hand coming out of your physical body and reaching for the rope. Slowly place hand over hand on the rope as if you were pulling yourself up.

You may feel a little dizzy at this point and the vibrations will buzz at a higher frequency. Often people here feel paralyzed or shrink back into their physical bodies. But concentrate on climbing the rope. Don’t stop until you feel your entire self separating from your body.

Finally you’re free! You will find yourself hovering over your body at this point.

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